VVK Tours

Rejuvenating, Refreshing & wellness program

The traditional Avurvedha healing methods and exercises vary from avurvedha steam baths and saunas to medication, acupuncture, energy medicine and yoga. Based on herbs and diet. Avurvedha treatment methods have captured the western world and most tourist have recognized Sri Lanka as their best destination for Avurvedha medication. Visitors to wellness establishment in Sri Lanka focused on treatment for weight loss, stress relief, detoxing to get away from their busy and stressful life styles in their country, most tourist like to experience the power of meditation and yoga maintain perfect mental health, health and healthy life style. At the end of this program you will experience rejuvenating, refreshing your mind body and soul.

The holistic approach allows you to gain an understanding of how the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of your being work together. In other words, the holistic approach focuses on the whole human body. If one part of your body is not aligned, the rest of you will likely notice. For example, individuals with gastrointestinal problems are also at risk for developing anxiety, depression, and mood disorders, and individuals with vitamin deficiencies may experience physical and mental side effects. A holistic wellness approach seeks to combine clean eating, exercise, and traditional medicine with an understanding of hormone levels, vitamin levels, gut health, and more.

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The Wellness Program is a structured program, designed to take you through the various effective and practical wellness practices available in modern day. The program rests on the three legs of Ayurveda, Yoga and Education.



Yoga is not merely a set of exercises, it is an attitude that leads to balance. The program includes asanas and techniques which are important to harmonize all aspects of our existence — the gross, the subtle body, and the mind.



Awareness through scientific education on different aspects of our life is the third emphasis. Learn about the effects of food, understand the nature of body and mind and discover a holistic way of lifestyle suited to your personality type.

Divine Chakra Empowerment
