VVK Tours

Buddhist History and Philosophy Based Spiritual Tourism Package

Spiritual tourism is an important component of a Sri Lanka tourism industry as a land of spirituality end owned with many places of worships, pilgrim centres and religious monuments etc. Buddhist meditation system and techniques are more vital parts of the spiritual tourism with the help of well skilled and knowledge of Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka. Silver temple (Ridhee Viharaya) 125 km from Colombo, established 2018 as an international Buddhist tourism centre focuses to enhance the Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist culture, Buddhist ethics, Buddhist spirituality for the Buddhist and non-Buddhist who are visiting to Sri Lanka around the globe. During the tour we will be visiting ancient temples, silver temple, world heritage sites, sacred Bodhi tree, Kandy tooth relic temple etc.
Buddhism & Buddhist pilgrimages are major factors that had an impact on the formation of the Sinhalese culture and the concretization of the people in Sri Lanka. therefore Sri Lanka is one of the important destinations in the world for Buddhist pilgrimage tours which provides an opportunity to learn/explore the living witnesses of centuries-old Buddhist civilizations of Sri Lanka.

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